Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Husbands do know how to be mushy!

 I got the idea for this blog post, because well let’s be honest I’m a women and I like the mushy stuff lol. So I set out to find some fun mushy answers from the people we don’t get to hear the mushy stuff from very often. The husbands! I got 6 couples to agree to this two part’r post. Asking 10 questions we all want to know that answer too. I love these men they all are so cute in the way they answered these questions!! Let me just take a second to thank these amazing men that were willing to share their stories with us and their hearts! THANK YOU!!! So here is the answers to those. If you like a little of the mushy stuff Take a second to read through. Also if you want to participate in any of my blog post feel free to email me or comment below I’m always looking for people to help with the next post J
How quickly did you know she was the one?
It was about 3 months into dating.  Things were going well and I really liked the feeling I had when I was with her.  I felt like I was just spending time with a really good friend who was easy to laugh and talk with, and I decided I wanted to have that forever more than anything else
Very quickly

“in 10 min.i knew she was what the lord had sent to meet me to answer my prayers for a wife to take me and her to the highest kingdom.”

I knew from almost the first moment that we actually hung out that she was the one that was meant for me... shortly after we started dating we had a pretty strong disagreement and she left me on the mountain! I thought to myself do you want to love the rest of your life without this girl?
Almost immediately I knew she was the one. After a few months of talking I knew I wanted to be with her forever.
After the first date and for sure 2 weeks after. I had a special revelation in the temple that confirmed she was the one.

What set her apart from the others you dated?
Other girls I had dated played games with me (uggghh....), where they would expect me to know what they wanted, or 'prove my love' to them somehow, or expect me to buy them certain things or take them certain places.  Nichole was very down to earth and easy going, and just a fun person, and just loved to spend time together, no matter what she did.  It came very naturally for me to show her that I loved and appreciated her, and didn't feel forced.  She also had a very good sense of humor and could keep up with my humor, and I liked that.  She also had a unique taste in music, which I also appreciated.
“She has a huge heart, and really cares about others”
she had a pure look to her almost a light. i had to know more

Jessica pretty much found me! She was a cute redhead that had a lot of self-confidence and wasn't afraid to show what she wanted
Her silliness and sense of humor. Also the way we seemed to always be thinking the same thing.

Her kiss, her conversations, her looks, her smile, her attitude.

What was that moment that made you think this is the girl I want to marry?
“Pretty much the answer to the first question.  I wanted to be with my best friend forever, and it was then that I decided to get a ring and ask her the big question.”
It wasn't just one moment, it was a combination of lots of little moments but I knew because of how much I missed her when she was traveling for her job, that I wanted her here with me.
twice that first time i saw her it was a feeling that poured over me the second was she told me if i want to bring home a girl from my mission to date i could at that moment i lost all thoughts of this other girl never thought if her again

I met her dad... Lol it all kind of fell downhill after that! Don sat down right next to me after he turned on a movie of Jess and said that is my little girl! I was so scared that he was going to kill me! I wondered to myself why am I scared of this man? And it was clear to me then that I was in love with her... not just love.
The way I saw her eat an oreo. It's silly, but meeting someone with that same quirk (And a few others) I knew was one in a million.
When I went to the temple and had the revelation in the Celestial room. Followed by seeing her in white when we did baptisms for the dead a few weeks later

When it came to the proposal how long did you actually plan it?
About a month ahead.  I wanted time to ask her parents, get the ring ready, and pick a spot.
There was a lot of planning time involved, I made a lot of calls and planned with a few people, about a two week process.
that very moment she told me i could bring that other girl from Washington i was scared she to ask for fear she did not feel the same so i ask stupidly (so if i were to ask You to marry me what would You say) this moment i wish i could do better every day...!

I started planning the question after I finally got the courage to ask Don and Kristi if I could marry Jess. I suppose it was only about a month later when I finally asked
“The actual proposal? The way I proposed, maybe 12 hours before. I planned on proposing weeks in advance in a completely different way.”
The first time about 2 seconds.  The second time weeks to get everything right.

When you explain who you married or were going to marry to close family and friends how do/did you explain her?
Most of them had already met her.  Those who didn't, I just explained that she was pretty, fun, and had a strong testimony.
She's beautiful, funny, smart and she has a huge heart.

i told everyone i knew the next day i told them she was my everything i felt like the only time i was really alive was when i was with here.and that she was so pretty and built....
“She's an amazing girl who makes me happy for who I am and who she is. I can't imagine my life without her by my side... that and she's a better shot than I am and that's why I'm scared to leave”
I explained that she was a fun, smart, silly, creative woman with a big heart.

I told my Mom that she (Deb) had the potential to be a Relief Society, that she was super spiritual and super pretty.
What do you think made her say yes? Besides her loving you?
She knew I would take care of her, that I had the confidence to lead a family, and make sacrifices for our kids and family.
Because I used kids in the proposal and she couldn't say no to the kids, haha ... I treated her better than she has ever been treated and she felt safe.
not sure really i think in someday she to was looking for the something i was .i could see the love in her eyes and her lips have this little spot in the center top lip that is movie starish .

You know honestly I don't know... Lol I tell her it's because her dad hated me.... But she says it's only because you are a lot like him
“My massive......bank account? I tricked her good. Lol”

My  good looks, willingness to do anything for her ( I helped her a lot during the time we dated as she broke an arm, and leg.)

When would you say your marriage has been most difficult?
At times of stress, like most marriages.  Usually that comes when one of us or both are sleep deprived, and the kids are acting out.
“Recently as we've been adjusting to the title of "husband" and "wife." They always say the first year is the hardest!”
about 20 to 21years later we had a rough. spot ..a time of confusion of family
When we moved up to Montana and we both lost the comfort of our family
It hasn't, unless you count the two weeks she's been in Utah and I miss her like crazy.

Whenever she has been in great pain or suffering and I can't take the pain or suffering away from her.

How has your wife helped you become a better man?
“Yes, without knowing it, she's taught me how a real man acts through her expectations of me, and has shown me where my priorities should be.”
Through her example of love and kindness
“she supports me in all i do she puts my feelings first even over hers”
She gave me three beautiful girls that make me smile most everyday day, And also has stuck by my side through some pretty rough times and makes our marriage stronger everyday

I think about others and how things affect them, instead of just myself.

She has supported me in my career choices, helped me and encouraged me to move forward, she has inspired me and been there to help me and to be by my side.
What is one thing you wish you could do or get for your wife?
I wish I could be in two places at once - work and at home, so I can help with the kids every night, and go to bed with her nightly.
A house
i wish i got another chance to ask her to marry me in a more special.way .
I want to get her a home of our own that makes her think. "I don't need to be anywhere else"
I wish I could get her a house and an enrollment into culinary school.

a new wedding ring- she lost the diamond in her wedding ring when she was going through a very difficult pregnancy that was our fourth.  

What is your go to when your wife is down?
Usually M&M's, or if it's really bad, some flowers.  A nice long talk about what is going on and reassuring her that she's doing a good job in what she's doing helps her a lot. 
Making her laugh, be there for her, listen to her, cuddle her and offer advice/help.
my go to is telling her we get to keep each other for eternity .and thanks for marrying me!!!
When my wife is down it's gotta be a song and cheese.
“My go to is dependent upon the situation... sometimes it's a "p.m.s." kit sometimes it's sending her out of the house to get away from the girls”
Be there for her and provide a listening ear and try not to fall asleep while she talks.  A hug is good to.

Also include length of marriage, children?, and dating length.
Married 5 yrs 3 months, 2 children (Logan - 2 yrs 10 months, Holly - 1 yr 4 months).  Dated for 1 year before
We've been married 4 months on December 9, 2014 Husband has a daughter from previous relationship who is 6 years old, no children in current marriage Known each other since high-school. Dated for 4 months before we were engaged, dated a little over a year when we got married.
27-28 years 4 kids 2.5 grandkids i still date my wife even if its making her dinner or watching a movie at home . before marrying we only dated mmm. maybe 6 months.
. Length of marriage is six years and we have three girls abd have dated for seven
married for five months, yes we have children? And we dated for 9-ish months.

Also include length of marriage, children?, and dating length.    On Dec. 22 of this year we will have been married 25 years.  We have 6 kids, 2 son in-laws, and 3 grandkids. We dated for a year and 4 months before we were married (including 8 month engagement).

I really feel like these 6 couples are very lucky! They have amazing husbands and wives. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing these answers with me. Can’t wait for the wives answers…

<3/ Melanie


  1. I love this more than your will ever know!

    1. Right?! talking to these guys really made me see why all these ladies fell in love with them. such great men!
