Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Spreading the word for Jen!

"Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts." For me Jen did just this. We met 6 years ago when I started working at a hospital on their trauma unit. She was one of my trainers and took me under her wing.

When I delivered my little lady bug, Jen took time out of her day to stop by and see how we were doing. What she never knew was how much those 5 minutes made a difference to me.

Soon after I learned of their struggle to conceive and finally their choice to adopt. Two years ago they were given the approval to adopt and since they've been waiting patiently to meet their little one.

Check out the adorable nursery they have waiting!! 
If there is any one out there who deserves to be a mom it's Jen!!!  Please take the time to share her info.  Even if you don't know any one looking,  some one you know might. Just head on over and check out there blog Here and if you are looking for parents for your little one check out their letter to the birth parents Here.

Thank you to those who take the time to share and a special thanks to Jen for being a true friend.
                               ~Megan :)

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