Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Megan's Intro

Hi everyone, I'm Megan! I was born in PA but grew up in UT. I am the oldest of 6 and have a wonderful mom and dad! I am LDS and have a strong testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ. I am now married to a wonderful man and we have 3 beautiful children.

My hubby and I have been married 4 years next week! :) We are super excited about this annivarsry because, drum roll please, we will actually be together for part of the day for the first time in 4 years!

Hubby and I are High School Sweethearts! We met in our Seminary class, my Jr. year. Our first date was a girls choice dance. :) Halfway through his Senior year he asked me to marry him! We set a date for June, and started planning the wedding. Due to a court issue we post poned the marriage 4 times and then got married Civialy. That summer he joined the Army, left for basic in OK, and I gave birth to our Lady bug!

Lady bug met daddy when she was 3 months old. She is a very energitic princess as she calls herself. She loves the outdoors, dressing up, books, and singing. She will be starting headstart this fall and is very excited to go to school. :)

We were sealed, as a family in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in October 2011 and then moved to Germany. We were there six months when he deployed. I was pregnant with our second, Tiger and so came back to Utah to be with family.

Tiger was 9 months old when daddy got to meet him. Tiger loves tools and helping his daddy and grandpa with projects around the house, espically if he can use a screwdriver or hammer. He's very rambunctious and does not sit still often.

We are now pregnant with our third and super excited because he'll get to be with us for the birth and newborn stage. This last year has been a hard one adjusting to life out of the Army again, but even with its ups and downs we have found strength in each other to push forward. That is me and my family. :)


1 comment:

  1. Adorable family! I look forward to hearing all about your exciting adventures!
