Monday, September 22, 2014

My mommy moment

"No matter how good or bad life is, Wake up each day and be thankful for life. . ." I stumbled across this quote a couple weeks ago and had a major wake up call. I realized that I was losing sight of the important things in life. I was concentrating way to much on the bills that where piling up, the mistakes I was making on a daily basis, and the mess that I had thought my life had become. As I looked back I noticed it wasn't only me I was affecting; but my husband and children. I decided to put a few things into work in my life, to help me turn my attitude around.

1- Look for the small things

I stared here the very next morning. My goal was to find 2 things that each of my kids did that day that made me smile, whether it be something they said, a small act of kindness or that they just listened to what I said. I can even tell you what those four things where.

Lady bug, told me when I picked her up from school that she loved me, and had missed me while she was gone, but, she had fun. Also the big kiss she gave me when I dropped her off.

Tiger, was playing with out a care in the world and suddenly came running up gave me a big hug and kisses and then disappeared again. Later while we were playing together he laughed at something I said.

I can not begin to tell you how much these little things changed that day completely around. It made it easier to get up the next morning know that they loved me even with all of my flaws.

2- Daily prayer, Scripture study and weekly FHE

In preparation for the October General Conference (on October 4-5th), I've been rereading April's. In Linda S. Reeves's talk she says "It is OK if the house is a mess and the children are still in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone. The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening. . .these are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction to our lives and add protection to our homes." I loved this. It was a reminder to me that I needed to make these a priority. Some of this I'm already doing but I had began to push them aside for other things. I know many of you reading this have little children and are thinking, like I have, how can I do this and keep there attention. Well do things in small portions. Tonight was our first night of actually reading from the Book of Mormon as a family. All I did was simply read 5 verses out loud to my toddlers. As I went from verse to verse I took a second after to put it into there words. I don't think they really heard what I was saying, since one was reading her own book and the other was playing with his hands but the important thing for now is that they are exposed to it.

3- Remember to listen

I have found this simple step makes a bigger difference then ever imagined. Epically with my 3 year old. Not only does it make it easier to get her to do what I want/need her to do but I've began to understand her better. Sometimes she's even showed me a better way.

4- Say I love you and Listen when they say it back

This statement probably is one of the biggest. When you get into a rut it is hard to hear and believe when others tell you this. It's important to remember that there is nothing more sincere then your little ones say "I love you mommy."

5- look for the service

My husband works long hours and so we often only see each other for a little while. This has been making it hard to see the love or to feel like he cares. I sat back a couple nights ago and thought 'What has my hubby done for me lately?' As I looked back over the last few weeks I began to find little things I had missed; such as, he changed a stinky diaper without me asking, he helped picked my pregnant body off the floor when I had sat there to long, he got up with the kids for an hour one night, and my favorite he's made breakfast for the kids most mornings since he started his new job, letting me try to sleep just a little longer before facing the day. These are things that I don't always think about but show me more then anything that he loves me.

  I have a long way to go to be the perfect mom I someday want to be. But, I'm trying and I live to make each day a little better then the day before. It won't always happen, I'll have days much worse, and I'll make tons of mistakes; but I've promised myself that I'll find the good in those days to because there is always something good. :)

Thanks for stopping by!! Megan :)

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