Friday, September 19, 2014

A Tiger of a birth!

Hubby and I found out we were pregnant with Tiger around the same time he was informed he would most likely be deploying with in the year. We both kind of chuckled that of course this was our luck after all he wasn't able to be there for Ladybugs birth either. So, we spent the months leading up to the deployment getting everything ready to welcome this baby boy into the world. We lucked out the OB I had in Germany did an ultrasound with every appointment, and even better they were in 3D. We found out we were expecting a boy when I was 16 or 17 weeks along. We picked out his first suit that night. :)

When you know that your other half isn't going to be there for something this big and important you do everything you can to make them a part of it when they are there. We picked out his name, how it would be spelled, the outfit he'd come home in, and every other detail we could before he left. We also made the decision that since no family could come out to Germany that we would fly Ladybug and I home. This was our personal decision and had been made with a lot of prayer. Hubby deployed in June and we flew home in July, I was 7 months pregnant at the time. I've been asked how I handled changing OBs so late into the pregnancy and the honest answer is that it didn't make much of a difference. The OB I had in Germany would most likely not have been the OB that delivered since they only were at the hospital like 1 in 6 or 7 weeks.

Hubby and I had thought we would record the birth so that he could see it, even if it was at a later date. However, the OB I picked told me it was against hospital policy, however he was willing to set an induce date after 39 weeks where we could hopefully have hubby Skype in. That's what we decided to do, instead of trying to find another OB. So, we set a date and I waited. At 37 weeks I started mildly contracting. I began to panic, what if he decided to come earlier. My husband started sleeping with Skype on when ever possible. That's week appointment I was dilated at a 3. However, that is where I stayed until 39.5 weeks.

On the big day my mom and I walked into Labor and Delivery, bag in one hand, tablet in the other. The nurses all found it cool that even though Hubby wasn't physically there he was still playing his part. I don't remember the times everything was done. I was given an I.V. and the first dose sometime before 9. It was a long day of sitting listening to Tiger's heart rate as things slowly progressed. Hubby and I talked off and on. We had hoped things would move faster and Tiger would come in the am since daddy was more available then but it didn't work out that way. At around 3ish they came and 'broke my water.' Things really began to speed up then. I had to give in and get an epidural at about 4:30 and it wasn't placed until 5ish, which means I only had one dose before baby got there, which was fine since pain meds and I don't really mixed.  At about 6:30  I was finally dilated to a 10 and ready to push. I frantically worked on getting a hold of hubby, who had been given special permission to Skype at work, so not only did I get the hubby but also all of his fellow soldiers. Can we say awkward. :) Worth it though to have him there to.

You may ask why I chose to post my second birth story, We happen to be celebrating his birthday this week so I've been reflecting back over the last few years.
That's one of my birth stories! :)

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