Monday, October 20, 2014

Getting ready for baby #3

With baby number three expected to join our family soon I wanted to prepare my tots for the up coming chaos as best as I can. When I was thinking about this I jumped back to my childhood. When my youngest brother was born the hospital offered a baby prep class for the siblings. I thought it was the coolest thing. I did some searching and found that some hospitals did offer it, however only during certain months of the year. So, my mom and I decided to put our own class together. We picked up a baby tub, bottle, diaper and pretend baby soap (we found ours at Toy's R Us). My mom then sewed a baby blanket and burp rag. We had them bring the baby doll or teddy bear to the class. My mom started by showing them how you hold the baby. We talked about being soft with the baby and using our indoor voices while baby is near. We then talked about feeding the baby. At this point they got a bottle we explained that the bottle was one way to feed a baby, and some mama's breastfeed and some do both. Then we showed them how to gently burp the baby. We talked about that all babies eat to begin with is milk. Then we showed them how to change a diaper,  how to bathe baby and finally how to swaddle the baby. At last they were congratulated,  now they could help mommy and daddy with the new baby and take care of there own. They loved it!! Thank you mom for putting it all together! !

(I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked due to my phone being on the fritz).

Along with this when they come see the new baby they will get a new baby as a gift from baby. :) 
These two cuties are going to be great big sister and brother and I'm going to be lucky mama with all the help!! :) 

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