Saturday, August 23, 2014

Train Birthday Party

For Tiger's first birthday the only thing he'd really shown interested in consistently was trains. So that was our theme. The hubby had just gotten home from Germany and I spent a week putting the center piece of this train together.
Boxes of all sizes: (Three of the boxes where diaper boxes. One was a Ritz cracker box, the one with tiny packages, another was a cereal box).
Lots of paper, I used sheet paper (I think that's what its called, but wrapping paper would work to.
Paper plates
Solo cup
Assembly: I started simply by wrapping the boxes and cup. I then assembled the train. The box that looked the most like the engine went first. Then the coal car, then the flat box and last the caboose.
For the engine I put the solo cup on the front and taped it on. The two cereal boxes on the back to make the area where the driver would be. I don't have a good shot of the front but I took another cereal box, (flimsy card board, easier to shape then the thicker stuff) and shaped the vent? idk if that is what its really called but the grate looking thing that engines have. I googled trains and just eyeballed that part. Covered it in paper and used a sharpie to draw the lines. For the circles on the wheels and the headlights/taillights I used a can that was the right size. The coal car I just stuffed the brown paper in it making it puff up. As for the caboose I used a box on top of the red box to make the blue paper keep shape and wrapped. It turned out way cuter then I ever thought imaginable.
I am so proud of how this turned out! :) I didn't see it being this cute or looking this good. It didn't matter what anyone else thought because I exceeded my expectations. Plus Tiger loved it!! He and Lady bug played with it for about a week before it was fully destroyed. :)

The rest of the decorations for this party my friend found at yard sales for less then a dollar. They were old toys that where missing pieces. We just spread them out around the yard, they made perfect toys as well, all of the kids got a kick out of them.

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