Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Inspirational quote: Just a reminder

This is a big one! Especially for me! When I was going through my divorce it felt like Everyone hated me and thought I was no longer a good lds girl. This is one i struggle with every day. But the key is to remember how boring this world would be if we were all perfect! BORING! Who wants to spend time with someone who doesn't want to gossip about that new couple that moved in or go and accidentally over spend at the mall with you. Hello us girls thrive on that stuff.  Whatever it is that you see as your imperfect part someone else sees it as such a great part about you!

<3 Melanie

Melanie's Intro.

1 comment:

  1. And this whole time I've been seeing my wife as a perfect woman. I guess I'll have to look again, because I'm not seeing any flaws.
